Internet connectivity@Atlas Hotel Budapest, Hungary

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Elasticsearch: The definitive guide book review

 Although I would not recommend this book as a one-weekend read I can definitely say that the book is one of the most convenient, well-written and detailed technical books dedicated to one particular technology I’ve ever seen.

You can start small, read a couple of first chapters and you’d be good to go using it everyday without any problems at all. But if you’ll dedicate a bit more time into reading it and executing tons of examples that come with it you’ll become a die-hard Elasticsearch professional without you even noticing that =)

As I’ve said the book is very well written, although some parts of it are a bit outdated which definitely adds more sense to try to run the examples by yourself in order to check whether they work on current release or not.

My score 5/5


Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books

Scala Cookbook book review

Alvin Alexander has such a nice blog that almost anyone who has a question that has something to do with Scala will definitely end up getting to his website at least once.

I’ve decided to give his book a try and i didn’t get disappointed. First I thought I would skim through it in a couple of hours due to relatively easy concepts and redundant information that I might  have known before. Unfortunately (luckily?), that didn’t happen.

The book is slightly outdated (who needs Scalatra or pure lift-JSON these days?), though delivers a lot of useful concepts that I’ve happily put under my belt.

My score 4/5

It needs to be updated + I’d like to remove a lot of worthless water that’s poured upon you here and there in  the “Discussion” parts of every chapter.

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Internet connectivity @ Orea Santon Resort Brno

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Scala is the new Ruby

I can’t agree more with this post

After spending as much time with Scala as I have spent with Ruby, I can say that wholeheartedly.

However, Scala is way cooler than Ruby =)

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Programming in Scala book review

Unfortunately, this was not the first book on Scala I’ve read. I wish it was. I also wish that such book for Java would have existed. It provides an inflaming mix of language insights and easy to digest basics of the language. It makes you strive to learn more about the language. It doesn’t provide all you might need for securing a 9 to 5 Scala position after you’ve read it, but it doesn’t even try to be the most comprehensive book of all that are available since it hasn’t been updated for  6 years now. It’s funny to find out that almost 6 years ago XML was as huge as Swing that are considered as outcasts of the past now. A chapter that is solely dedicated to XML? It’s not  that fun if taking into account that the built-in feature for working with XML was considered a huge advantage at the time when Scala was conceived.

I like this book, even though it’s not so relevant now it’s still one of the best all-in-one Scala books that are available on the market.

My score: 5 of 5

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Bye bye Dropbox, thanks for all these years

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 8.11.49 PMScreen Shot 2016-02-08 at 8.12.03 PMI noticed today that without any notice all my files that I stored in Dropbox account are gone. I’ve been using this service for 7 years.

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 8.12.50 PM If I’ll leave all the sentiment aside, I was very satisfied with the functionality that Dropbox provided me for free through all these years.

Unfortunately, it’s time to say goodbye to an old friend. Dropbox is not safe anymore to store all my books and collection of cat photos. It’s time to take a dusty 1TB HDD from the darkest corner of my closet, brush it up a bit and start using it for back up again.


Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Learning Apache Kafka – Second Edition book review

As I usually do, I made a specific task for myself: learn how to use Apache Kafka efficiently during the weekend. Since I’m a book kind of guy I decided that I need to read a book first before writing any code.

This book is an obvious choice since it’s been recently re-edited and seems to be the only Kafka-related book at the moment. So why not? I decided to give it a try. 1 book – 1 weekend, what could possibly go wrong?

The first red flag for me was the fact that all the code examples are in Java. How so? Kafka seemed to be an agnostic technology with APIs for both Scala & Java. This might be just a matter of author’s personal preference. The next red flag was that the code examples are very similar to what is given in official documentation. Nevertheless, i decided to read the book. Thanks to my subscription to Safari Books online library i didn’t have to pay for it.

Unfortunately, my first impression was right. The book is nothing more than a couple of blog posts contained under a hard cover. Technical details that I utterly needed were not given, instead a lot of Javadocs have been copy-pasted all-around. Code examples are too generic to have any value in them.

Frankly, this video has provided much more than all time i’ve spent reading the book.

AJUG – Apache Kafka – Chris Curtin (03.19.2013) from AJUG on Vimeo.

My score: 2/5

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books and stuff

Track of the week Mujuice/Zemfira

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on music and stuff

internet connectivity @ Sound garden hotel, Warsaw

The fastest broadband connection  i’ve seen at a hotel so far

p:2, u:29, d:32

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Internet connectivity @ Hotel Piast Wrocław

p:7, d:~3, u:~8

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Understanding ES6 book review

This book is still a work in progress, therefore you can freely read it and contribute through Github.

From my point of view, this book should be considered not more than a manual listing most of the features of ECMAscript 2015 with examples. It’s not yet finished, but imho i doubt that it will be more than a list of features.

On the other side, it can save you a lot of time if you’re looking for one place to get familiarized with most of the new constructions that were added to JS recently and you’re not in a mood to chase a lot of blog posts dispersed throughout the Internet.

My score (book is still 60% complete, hence this is not a final score) 3/5

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books and javascript

Impressions on Oreilly’s Apache Spark Certification

Before even starting to prepare for this certification I felt pretty confident that I’m able to secure it without dropping a sweat. After passing the certification I felt that I have been completely wrong since the beginning =)

The reason for my confidence was that I contribute to spark-packages as well as to some Spark-related OSS projects (i.e. Apache Zeppelin), apart from the fact that I’m using Spark for more than a year now and I’ve been on the first Spark Summit and a number of Spark-related meetups in London. I thought that’d be more than enough just to skim a recommended “Learning Spark” book by one of the Spark’s creators before the exam.

I wish I had at least read the impressions of those who’d gone to the exam before me =)

I can definitely say that it’s one of the toughest IT certifications I’ve ever passed. O’reilly & Databricks have really put a lot of emphasis on practical experience that can’t be read anywhere and can’t be constituted without deep digging into the framework internals. I had no experience with Spark on YARN since I was using it mostly on Mesos cluster or in standalone mode, which made me drop a lot of sweat =)

If I had been looking for a new developer with Spark experience I would surely have given him a number of points if he has this certificate. It’s really based on practical experience, but not on theoretical knowledge which makes passing it valuable.

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books and exams

Internet connection @ Pałac Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie

p: 31, d:22.22 u:14.78

Internet penetration in Warsaw is awesome!

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

“Learning Spark” – Book review


This particular book should be included if Spark will eventually get a nice and shiny box version with caps and T-shirts inside. What more can I say? This book is partly written by the creator of Spark himself, hence it should be treated as a comprehensive and succinct  manual which unfortunately it  doesn’t have as of today (for free).

Luckily, if you’ve spent a relatively small amount of money to buy/read/learn/try all examples you will know two times more than a typical Spark developer with 1 year of experience under his belt.

The only problem I had with this book is that some of the examples don’t work because the book itself hasn’t been updated to be on track with the most recent version of Spark (which differs a lot from the version described in the book).

Score 4/5

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books, java, and scala