Docker is awesome

OMG! Finally, i’ve lost my virginity with Docker. It’s so contemporary to install everything you want with Git 🙂


Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Nothing can beat this Chipotle commercial!

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Google IO 2014 highlights

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Great talk about frontend from the Google IO 2014

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on javascript

Google IO 2014 aftermath webinar impressions

Yesterday i was giving a talk summarizing all the new things i’ve learned throughout the conference. It was real fun! I put emphasis onto things i consider as the most prominent : Dart, Polymer, Dataflow. After the talk i had an interesting conversation about the future of AngularJS considering the rise of Polymer. I was a little nervous because i couldn’t see the audience, but the comments and questions were very nice.

I didn’t have enough time to prepare, so i’ve decided to include some of the slides from the conference. Here’s my presentation.

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Tycho Live@BR San Francisco

Northern Californian mood

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Google IO 2014 developers conference aftermath

I’m going to give a talk regarding all the new things that i’ve learned at Google IO including new changes in AngularJS, Dart, Polymer, Go. Link for attending the webinar is here –

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on frontend, java, javascript, and mobile

Farewell Node.js by TJ Hollowaychuck


Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on javascript and stuff

Scala: The Movie

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on scala

We’re gonna to participate in SF Pride, june 29th. Join us!

Airbnb provides a meetup for its clients at SF Pride, we’re going to attend it.

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on life

HashMap performance improvements in Java 8

Such a simple and convenient way to go from O(n) to O(logn) in a messy Symbol table

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on java

I’m running Moscow Music Half Marathon

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff has been renovated!

I’ve changed quite a few things on my blog and i’m going to spend much more time on it! Wish me good luck!

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on stuff

Effective Javascript: 68 specific ways to harness the power of Javascript review

This book considered to be a supplement for the “JavaScript: the good parts”. It’s said in the book’s introduction that these two books shouldn’t be considered as rivals though many of theirs topics are the same. Advent of JavaScript, node.js and many cool frameworks made the prior book a bit outdated. This book promises to give you patterns how to write js code in modern and concise way .

It’s not a hipster’s book. Hipsters don’t read books, instead they teach themselves Google and treat software engineering as a topic on Stack overflow. This book is for mature software developers who know that you can’t stay content in learning technology.

As a matter of fact most of all I’ve enjoyed few last chapters of the book. Chapters about concurrency, asynchronous way of thinking and creating loops as well as chapters about functional approach to write robust programs are invaluable!

If you want to feel confidence while writing js code reading this update to “JavaScript: the good parts” is essential.

My score 5/5

May be I’m a little bit biased but functional and asynchronous approach to writing programs are two things that I try to sneak in every program that I tackle.

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books and javascript

JavaScript: The Good Parts review

Long time before I thought that JavaScript is an interpreted subset of Java. These days I ‘ve been struggling a lot because of my incompetence. Many cool JS frameworks (except for jQuery which was a starting point for most of them) and Node.js made me learn JavaScript on a such level that I won’t be shy to show my code to anyone.

In the Java world there’s a book that every pragmatic developer should read , it’s Joshua Bloch’s “Effective Java”. This book has the same uplifting effect, if you would have read it. It teaches how you SHOULD write js code. After reading it I have a strong belief that JavaScript has much more common with Scala and Lisp, than it has with Java.

My score 5/5

Author's profile picture Michael Koltsov on books and frontend